- South Street
- Montacute
- Somerset
- TA15 6XD
01935 822885
September 2024
A coach-load of us visited Bennet's Water Gardens, near Weymouth for our summer outing:
...... followed by ice creams on Weymouth sea front !
June 2024 Heather and Keith were pleased to invite many Church Friends to a Garden Party at their home on a glorious sunny Saturday afternoon at the end of June.
April 2024 We had such a good weekend celebrating the bicentenary of the formal setting up of the Baptist Church, although documents record the activities of early Baptists here back in 1656.
We started by planting 200 daffodils in the front garden and this was added to by a '200'sign made by Chris and Roger from knitted flowers from the Knit 'n Natter group:-
Our weekend started with a 200 minute coffee morning on Friday 12th, with many people joining us and able to sit in the sun in the front garden:-
During this time local Historian Clarence Bradley gave an illustrated talk about the Church and village during the 2nd world war, many people found this fascinating:-
This was followed by a 200 minute cream tea on Saturday - again lovely weather to bless us.
Our main event was a 200 minute celebration service on Sunday (including lunch !!). This was led by Pastor Heather and the guest preacher was Revd. Dr. Stephen Finamore, president-elect of the Baptist Union.
July 2023 We were pleased to have a visit from year 5 from the local school to look at the church and our traditions, especially a look at the rose window and play the organ! They talked to the ladies about their crafts and then made a sticky back plastic and an iced digestive rose window.
September 2020
Reawakening ! As advertised we managed to open the Church for prayer on Tuesday 1st, amid all the careful precautions. 12 of us gathered to bring our prayers of thanks and intercession to God, then to pray for the future. With music and Powerpoint prompts many people offered extempore prayers. We will do it again in a month's time.
Harvest Thanksgiving On 6th September we Baptists joined our friends at St Catherine's for an open-air service led by Revd. Annie, with Pastor Heather giving a reflection in the rain! Some 35 of us gathered in the Churchyard, many taking part by presenting harvest offerings or a series of readings followed by a chat with a young farmer. Thanks to God for his provision.
1st Sunday Service
Chris & Roger welcoming and checking us in
Our happy, masked and suitably spaced congregation
Amy & Madison singing 'Jesus, be the centre...'
A joyful reawakening of the church building for morning worship after six months ‘in mothballs’. Carl Smethurst, Regional Minister for Mission, led our thoughts on Genesis 11:27-12:5, encouraging us to be prepared, at God’s prompting, to leave what is known, not to settle too soon, but to take up new challenges & opportunities, with God’s blessing. 21 friends gathered and the church rang with praise and response. Amy and Madison, from YBC worship group sang us in (suitably screened), focussing our prayer that ‘Jesus be the Centre’.
November 2019
A quick look back – Our first ever ‘Stir-up-a-Pud’, where 20 people gathered to hear the significance of the Christmas pudding, and to mix one up! Friendship and fun, lovely refreshments, some carols, and all went home with a delicious Christmas pud to cook and eat! We hope to do it again next year!
Thanks everyone who came to Candlelight Carols, the Sunday before Christmas. Over 50 people gathered, and we raised the roof with brilliant carol-singing as we heard again the beautiful scriptures of the birth of Jesus Christ. We were specially blessed by Montacute Village Voices Choir who joined us – having come straight from Montacute House Wassailling – and added lovely descants.
Montacute Village Voices Choir, who meet at the church, held their concert earlier in December, it was brilliant.
Now we wish everyone a Happy New Year, and hope you will join us for our morning worship Services at 10.30 on a Sunday or at any of our Tuesday Fellowship or Community events.
Tuesday Fellowship: 2.30 p.m.
Knit ‘n Natter: 2.30 from 28th Jan and every Tuesday in February
Ecumenical Lent Bible Study 2.30 p.m. each Tuesday in March.
July 2020
As we were unable to meet or welcome guests into the Church we decided to make the Baptist Church front garden into a GARDEN OF HOPE and invite people delivering to the pre-school or just passing by to PAUSE in our Quiet Garden. We brightened the garden with coloured BUTTERFLIES each with a message of HOPE for people to read and take away to brighten their window or garden in the village.
We have now taken down the remaining butterflies, but from comments this was well received and many were taken to homes.
Community Lunch: Thursday 20th February
Don’t be alone in the village – please join us for 1 o’clock lunch. £5 each. Speaker: Rev David Perkins, CAP Money Management. Ring Church Secretary Ruth Shoemark to book on 823095 or the church answerphone 822885.
Messy Church: Saturday 29th February – the ‘leap day’. Come and have fun with us - Children with parents/carers invited 10.30 – 1, to enjoy various activities, a Bible story and lots of MESSY DRUMMING! Followed by lunch. Drumming led by Organic Rhythm.
On 2nd February we were delighted to welcome BMS speakers David and Jenny to our morning service to tell about their time in China, A good number of people joined us for lunch to continue the discussion with David and Jenny.
Montacute - December News
Christmas events
Stir-up a pud day
Christmas lunch
Christmas morning
Amy and Madi sing at a Christmas Service
Montacute – November News
Keith and I were encouraged and inspired to attend 'Churches Together' in Somerset, all gathering at Bridgwater to hear Rev’d Joel Edwards, former International Director of Micah Challenge speak on Mission.
We have enjoyed fortnightly Ecumenical Bible studies, lovely people from four denominations, seeking God together – the LICC study series - Finding our Frontline.
MBC November calendar:
Sunday 3rd November – Morning Service - Pastor Heather
Collecting our Christmas Child Shoeboxes, and continuing to follow our series on The Beatitudes.
Tuesday 5th November: 2.30pm - Knit and Natter
Saturday 9th November: - 9:00 am. We are joining Yeovil Baptist Church, Breakfast Talk: Speaker on ‘The Hub’
Sunday 10th November - 10.45
Remembrance Service – united - at St. Catherines. Heather is leading.
Tuesday 12th November: 2.30pm Fellowship
Knit & Natter
Thursday 14th November: 1.00pm - Community Lunch – African Water Aid. Ring Ruth 01935-823095 to book.
Sunday 17th November: 10:30am - Morning service – Pastor Peter Hedges
Tuesday 19thNovember: 2.30pm - Fellowship - Knit & Natter
Sunday 24th November: 10.30am - Morning Service – Pastor Heather
Tuesday 26thNovember: 2.30pm - Fellowship - Knit & Natter
Advanced notice - We aim to finish our Fellowship session on TUESDAY 3rd DECEMBER with an Advent event ‘Stir up the Pud!’ afternoon mixing up Christmas Puddings together - with fun and refreshments, a Christmas Quiz, a brief presentation of the Christmas story in poetry – a carol or two to end!
Why not come along? We need to know numbers, so we have enough ‘pudding ingredients’ – donation invited £5, and you will take home your own little Christmas pud to cook and enjoy – or give away!
The idea is for you to come and bring a friend so no-one is lonely! Please ring me 01935-423137 to book!
God bless!
Montacute Baptist Church - September news
Hi everyone,
September bids us regather after our summer. We would welcome new friends to join us, at our Sunday services, 10.30am, please feel free to come along.
Our Bible studies, shared with our Anglican friends, recommence on alternate Tuesdays, 2.30pm - 4.00pm, beginning on Sept 3rd September when we explore something more about Christian faith.
Having knitted a stack of hats and scarves for Mission to Seafarers last session, our Knit n Natter group reconvenes on alternate Tuesdays from 10th September. We will major on children’s woolly things and collecting items for the Operation Christmas Child Christmas boxes, and perhaps knit an angel or two, too!
On Saturday 7th September, we join Yeovil Baptist’s Breakfast talk, 9:00am at South Street, Yeovil, to hear Steven Goss on Ceramics, please ring Keith Andrews if you would like to book a place (01935 423137).
Messy Church will be great fun on Saturday morning 21stSeptember, children and parents/careers, 10:00am - 1:00pm;
Highlight of every autumn, our Harvest Festival on 22nd September, 10:30am on the Operation Agri theme and evening Songs of Praise 6:30pm, plus a Harvest Supper on Monday 23rd September at 7:00pm and it will be all the better to have you come and celebrate with us all God's bountiful gifts. The Farming Community around us shows us God's blessing as we see planting, nurturing and growth.
If you know anyone working in the farming community that we could thank personally and praise God with them for all their work and all his goodness, please bring them along.
God bless all,
Heather Andrews
Pastor, Montacute Baptist Church
MBC News for July 2019;
Montacute 10.30 Sunday services:
7th Heather Andrews
14th Norman Cummins
21st Heather Andrews
28th Peter Wilson
4th Heather Andrews
11th Alan Rounsfell
18th Heather Andrews
25th Trevor Pearce
25th 6.30 pm Ecumenical Flower Festival at St Catherines.
All welcome to join YBC for Church breakfast Saturday 13th July 9.a.m.
Tuesday Fellowship: 2.30-4.00 pm
Our Knit and natter theme finishes on Tuesday 9th July, when we hope to send off a package of hats and scarves knitted for the Mission to Seafarers.
New session begins 3rd September, when alternate weeks will be Bible Study on the theme of ‘Our Frontline’.
Have a lovely Summer all those going away.
Tuesday Fellowship Knit ‘n Natter: About a dozen people gather each Tuesday, 2.30 – 4 p.m. There is a Scrabble match if you prefer, or a jigsaw to get engrossed in. Do look in – Knit ‘n Natter is continuing throughout the month of June.
There’s a visit to Yeovil Baptist Happy Hour on Monday 17th June 2.30 to catch up with the BMS Action Team Mission trip to Mozambique.
Our Sunday Services – 10.30 every Sunday morning, all are very welcome.
We join in the national theme between Ascension and Pentecost, praying ‘Thy Kingdom Come’… and we continue to pray for our nation as Brexit complications continue.
We are beginning to welcome summer visitors, who come to look around Montacute House, and notice our little Chapel as they explore the village. All bring a new dimension to our services.
At the end of June Keith and I will welcome all friends of Montacute Baptist Church to join us on Saturday 29th June, 2.30 – 5 for tea in our garden
- 72 Ilchester Road, Yeovil -
We will put up a tent in case of rain!
Just give us a ring if you can come so we know how many to cater for. 01935-423137 or use the MBC newly-installed church answerphone – 01935 - 822885, leave a message.
Hope to see you then.
MAY 2019
Saturday 4th May - Messy Church 9.30 am -1.00 pm.
Organic Drumming will lead lots of Bank Holiday fun for children and parents.
Sunday 5th May - Church anniversary,
Morning worship 10.30 (HeatherAndrews) followed by fish and chip lunch (or pie and chips)! £5. To book lunch please ring Ruth Shoemark.
Every Tuesday, Tuesday Fellowship, knit n natter 2.30pm - 4.00pm
Sunday 12th May
Morning worship (Heather Andrews) Christian Aid theme followed by Church Meeting.
Sunday 26th May
Morning worship (Heather Andrews) Thy Kingdom Come theme.
Thank you to ODDMENTS Threatre, an Amazing evening and story of HOPE
Heather and Keith attended the Baptist Union Conference and were blessed with some amazing worship and talks.
You would be welcome at our Knit and Natter
Our first Knit and Natter session at Tuesday Fellowship went well, with a variety of projects, including a close-fought Scrabble game.
Do join us if you can 2.30 pm - 4.00p.m any Tuesday this month.
Lent Project
Tuesdays in Lent: we are offering Coffee and Cake, and a time for quiet reflection with prayer-corners entitled Aspects of Easter in the chapel, 11.30 - 1 p.m.
Also on Tuesdays in Lent from 2.30-4 p.m. our Ecumenical Bible Studies, commencing 12th March on the theme: “Life source’. All very welcome to visit us on Tuesdays, and encourage our Christian witness together.
Services for March: 10.30 Morning worship
3rd March. Rachael Findlay
10th March. Pastor Heather Andrews
17th March. Rev Drapper
24th March. Peter Hedges
31st March. - Mothering Sunday and Half marathon coffee outside for spectators, as the runners go by. Pastor Heather Andrews
Community Lunch. Thursday 21st March 1 p.m. speaker from Somerset County Council Village Agent for Montacute Cath Holloway. Don’t be alone, to join us please book with Ruth Shoemark phone: 01935 823095.
January 2019
Starts A Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Please join us for our
Evening Ecumenical Service
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Montacute Baptist Church
Everyone very welcome
Theme: from the churches of Indonesia - Only Justice
Refreshments to follow
May God bless you as a new chapter opens in 2019.
All welcome to join our little congregation for Morning Worship every Sunday at 10.30 a.m. and some evenings as announced.
13th January - Pastor Heather Andrews
20th January - Pastor Heather Andrews.
Also at 6.30 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - Ecumenical Service - Pastor Heather leading.
27th January - Alan and Jenny Rounsfell
Other events:
Tuesday Fellowship - for the next few weeks beginning 15th January, Exploring John’s letters, and a cuppa, 2.30 pm - 4 pm
Joining Yeovil Baptists on Saturday 19th January for Breakfast Talk 9 am, South Street, Yeovil. ‘Why Mission to Italy?’
Saturday 26th January
Messy Church
At the Baptist chapel in Montacute - children with parents/carers welcome. 10.30 am -1.00 pm
This is a joint enterprise between Baptists and Anglicans in Montacute - once a term - fun for youngsters, activities, worship and food!
Please join us for our Christmas services
Sunday 23rd Dec
10.30 a.m. Morning worship
6.30 p.m. Candlelight Carol Service
Christmas morning 25th December
10.30 a.m. ‘Welcome Christ the new-born King’
Christmas Day blog Luke 2, 1-14.
10:30 a.m. Morning worship
6:30 p.m Candlelight Carol Service
Montacute joins Yeovil Baptist Church (BB and GB) in their Christmas Charity
'Samaritans purse - Operation Christmas Child'.
Thank you all
November 2018
Montacute Baptists prepared this Remembrance Cross at Tuesday’s Bible Study, reflecting on Peace and loss. It is shown in St Catherine’s parish church where we shall have an ecumenical service on Remembrance Day.
October 2018
MBC are joining Yeovil Baptists for the induction of Rev Dave Hibbin
Saturday 27th October, 3pm
Sunday 21st October, Morning worship : Bible Sunday (Bible Society theme).
Monday 8th October 7 pm. Harvest supper, sale and entertainment. Please book with Ruth Shoemark 823095. Donation £5 invited. Hope to see you!
Weekend - Saturday 6th October - Decorating church and collecting old
garden and craft tools, sewing machines etc for TWAM. Please pop them
over to Montacute or possibly to Heather and Keith's home.
Sunday 7th Oct 10.30 morning Harvest Service; 6.30 pm Evening Harvest Songs of
Praise (Harmony are coming).
Our next ‘big’ event will be our Harvest Weekend 5-8 October when we will celebrate with services, 10.30 and 6.30, a supper, and a Collection day for Tools with a Mission, please do support this. Hunt through garden sheds for old gardening tools and bring them to MBC please on Saturday 6th. Also welcome are sewing machines, haberdashery items etc. All can be repaired, refurbished and sent for use overseas. Further details nearer the time.
September 2018
Our Bible study season has started with an introduction to Ephesians, following John Stott’s book Ephesians- Building Community. Friends from YBC welcome to join us every Tuesday 2.30 pm, together with our Anglican friends.
Saturday 15th Sept, Montacute friends joining YBC 9 am for breakfast talk, and Crewkerne friends 3 p.m. for Abby’s welcome and Commissioning service.
We enjoyed a great response to our first Termly Messy Church, more than 50 people shared in activities, worship and lunch, on the theme of Jesus’ saying ‘I am the true vine’.
July 2018
22nd July - Montacute will join Yeovil Baptist Church for Missionary evening Service with the Chadwells.
All are welcome to The SWBA retreat at Mill House, Westleigh (near Tiverton) on Saturday 7th July;
2nd July - Montacute ladies will join Happy Hour for Communion at Yeovil Baptist Church
June 2018
Montacute Church Meeting in June took place on a beautiful day with a Church Picnic under the Cherry Tree in the Church Garden
Thurs. 14th June - Community Lunch at 1 p.m. Book with Ruth Shoemark
Tues 5th June - Fellowship with Joyce Craner who will offer us something creativity with flowers.
What an exciting weekend at the beginning of May: Fun Science attended by happy children, lots of fun and science experiments, lunch in the sunny garden, a theme of transformation, and a little chat about how God’s love in Jesus can really change things.
May 2018
Saturday 5th May and Sunday 6th May we have our Church Anniversary weekend, which is also a year since we welcomed our Pastor Heather Andrew.
On the Saturday (5th), together with the Anglican Church we are hosting a ‘Fun Science’ day for local children in our schoolroom.
Please pray for this to be a happy, safe (with an explosion or two!!), day and a blessing to all who enter our building. Cressida Bullock will be leading all of this and is an expert in her field of making science come to life.
This will launch a termly Messy Church which is a new project we hope will bring new life, with Anglican ladies providing the energy while we provide the premises.
Sunday 6th May, our morning Anniversary Service at 10.30.
In the evening at 6.30, there will be Anniversary Songs of Praise, by request, with chosen hymns.
We have invited Yeovil Baptist Church share in our ministry at Montacute. We hope to have a real celebration of God working with us joining together as a church family. We hope that the community benefits from this and we welcome all visitors from the village.